Fall seven times, stand up eight. Japanese proverb.
Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. G.K. Chesterton
When pain strikes, we often ask the wrong questions, such as, Why me? The right questions are, What can I learn from this? What can I do about it? What can I accomplish in spite of it? Norman Vincent Peale
Patience is enjoying the journey. It's not climbing the mountain to get to the top; it's climbing the mountain to enjoy the climb. Enjoy the process of your own life. John-Roger
Have patience with all things, but mostly with yourself. Do not lose courage considering your own imperfections, but instantly begin remedying them. Every day begin the task anew. Saint Francis de Sales
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Chinese proverb
It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. Babe Ruth
Trust in God, but tie your camel to a tree. Arab proverb.
"Success" comes before "work" only in the dictionary. Anonymous
A needle that pierces may carry a thread that binds. James Hastings
An elephant can only be eaten one bite at a time. Proverb
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair. Chinese proverb
To get results, decide to have fun. Fun creates enjoyment, which invites participation, which focuses attention, which expands awareness, which promotes insight, which generates knowledge, which facilitates action. And action gets results. Oswald Shallow
Every day is a gift. Treat it kindly. Share it with joy. Anonymous
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden
Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't. Richard Bach
No man is useless while he has a friend. Robert Louis Stevenson
Life is like the car pool lane. The only way to get to your destination quickly is to take some people with you. Peter Ward
©COPY;1997 HeartPoint Updated July 1997
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